200 times faster than ever before: the speediest quantum operation yet

Jul 23, 2019

A group of physicists at UNSW Sydney have built a super-fast version of the central building block of a quantum computer. The research is the milestone result of a vision first outlined by scientists 20 years ago.


Appointment of ANFF Chief Executive Officer

Jul 23, 2019

Dr Ian Griffiths has been appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian National Fabrication Facility (ANFF), commencing this quarter. The decision was announced by ANFF’s Chairman and Board on 8 July 2019, following an extensive four-month search.


UNSW community recognised in Queen’s Birthday honours

Jun 17, 2019

Professor Michelle Simmons, the 2018 Australian of the Year, is among 110 members of the UNSW community named in the Queen’s Birthday 2019 Honours List.


UNSW researchers tasked to locate leaks in the Sydney Water network

May 29, 2019

UNSW researchers have been successful in securing $237K from Sydney Water to detect leaks in the city’s water pipes.


Fidelity benchmarks for two-qubit gates in silicon

May 14, 2019

After being the first team to create a two-qubit gate in silicon in 2015, UNSW Sydney engineers are breaking new ground again: they have measured the accuracy of silicon two-qubit operations for the first time – and their results confirm the promise of silicon for quantum computing.