Silicon quantum dot qubits reach a new record accuracy

Apr 22, 2019

Dr Henry Yang and colleagues, from the UNSW School of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications, have published this week a new paper in Nature Electronics which reports a new world-record fidelity (or accuracy) for a quantum-dot-based silicon qubit


Sydney Quantum Academy

Apr 18, 2019

The new Sydney Quantum Academy has received over $15m in new funding from the NSW state government to promote educational and entrepreneurial links between four Sydney universities: UNSW, University of Sydney, UTS and Macquarie University.


Federal Minister for Education Dan Tehan visits CQC2T & ANFF-NSW: Jan 2019

Mar 12, 2019

Federal MP Dan Tehan toured ANFF-NSW where world-leading quantum computing qubit devices are fabricated. As an NCRIS funded facility within the Federal Education portfolio, ANFF-NSW was honoured to receive a visit from the Federal Minister for Education.